About Warm Cocotte

Warm Cocotte is an experimental studio focused on eating experience mediated by food design.
Our primary aim is to connect consumers with foods at the emotional level giving them the possibility to interact with their dinner in unusual ways.
The feelings concerning the experience of tasting certain meals are affected by food physical properties as well many other factors such as culture, environment, peers and parental influence, tools, appearance and diners.
These play a role on our liking rate, willingness to eat and sense of satisfaction equally to taste.

Warm Cocotte’s founders are Italians, with a great passion for food which they combine with a background in design studies with several experimentations in food and eating design fields.
Big cities fast mentality judges food as mere nourishment losing the values of sharing a gratifying meal with someone special and preferring quick packed lunches or cheap junks.
The intent of the studio is to spur people to reflect on food as social catalyst and vehicle of unpredictable emotions.
The experimental process allows us to collect real feedbacks from our guests and to design any time different custom dinners to canalize consumers’ reactions and feelings.

2 commenti:

  1. Ciao siete bellissimi πŸ˜€ho appena scoperto voi Γ¨ il vostro sito e intendo seguirvi . conosco abbastanza bene Londra .. ci ho vissuto anni fa per sei anni circa ... la porto nel cuore 😍

  2. Ciao Rita! Grazie mille per il tuo commento 😊 è stato un piacere scoprire anche il tuo di blog e anche noi continueremo a seguire le tue golosissime ricette! Buon fine settimana 😘😘😘😘






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